
 Rapunzel had an sheltered childhood. She spend out her first 18 years in a small hidden tower. She had only 3 books to read titled GeologyCooking, and Botany. She devoured these books on a daily basis.Rapunzel hadn’t even met or seen a human by this time and thought they were all monstrous fanged creatures.Even though this was her routine it didn’t depress her as she knew nothing else.Rapunzel is an vibrant and outgoing young lady.However, she does show a desire to begin her life.When she’s excited about something she is absolutely bubbly.Thanks to Mother Gothel, Rapunzel believed everyone in the world was dark, selfish, and cruel, out to take advantage of her and her hair’s power. During these years her only human interaction was with her “mother”, Mother Gothel.
    Healing song sung by Rapunzel was:
"Flower gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the fates design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine"


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